Just proof that I still, in fact, garden. This is Codonanathe x 'Vista'. It took a long time for it to produce blooms, but it's just chugging away now!
I've been awful with remembering anything since my fiance proposed. It's been a whirlwind of wedding crap (invitations, venues, photographers and budgeting - oh my!), work crap, and crap crap. My plant have been (for the most part) very tolerant. Some of my plants are throwing hissies, but I haven't had any casualties. Well, except for my mini Christmas tree...but that's another story. I'm convinced it wasn't sold to last.
Anyway...I'm thinking of using my plants as centerpieces for our wedding. I'll mention more later once I get the idea developed.
On a personal note, I'm doing a voluntary training through the Literacy Commission of Philadelphia with a few coworkers. We're hoping to bring it back to our clients and help them get their GEDs! Very exciting. :)
That's it for now. The plants are growing even with my awful underwatering. Sorry, little ones.
My garden, now
1 day ago
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