Sunday, April 28, 2013


Green = doing swell/tons of aerial roots
Black = what what what are you doing?
Red = oh lord jesus it's a fire...and you are dying

H. bhutanica
H. carnosa 'Chelsea'
H. sp 97005
H. sp orange acanthostemma
H. elliptica EPC-641
H. imperialis 'Mosaic' (thrown away)
H. deykeae
H. sp Ban Ngon Ngoy
H. aff. parasitica 'Lao 2'

Awesome! Everything looks good.

On the other hand, D. surculosa shot out some buds! :) Pics tomorrow (or something).

Monday, April 22, 2013

The rooting begins...

Green = doing swell/tons of aerial roots
Black = what what what are you doing?
Red = oh lord jesus it's a fire...and you are dying

H. bhutanica
H. carnosa 'Chelsea'
H. sp 97005
H. sp orange acanthostemma
H. elliptica EPC-641
H. imperialis 'Mosaic' (thrown away)
H. deykeae
H. sp Ban Ngon Ngoy
H. aff. parasitica 'Lao 2'

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Plant events + new Hoyas!

I'll start with Hoyas first:

Joni calls this Hoya sp. orange acanthostemma. I cannot find any other information.

H. bhutanica.

H. carnosa 'Chelsea'

H. sp. Ban Ngon Ngoy (!!!)

H. deykeae. (!!!!!)

H. aff. parasitica 'Lao 2'

H. elliptica EPC-641. This is great because I lost this one last year.

H. imperialis 'Mosaic'. I threw this away since there were murmurings of it being virused.

H. sp. 97005. Look at those huge leaves! It's like H. latifolia or H. surigaoensis!   
They're all in the rooting aquarium. Here's to another flawless round of rooted Hoyas in there!

As for the other plants, there are some signs of spring:

Baby finally bloomed for me. It was blooming when I got it, but I've never succeeded in having her do so again...until now! Sorry for the dirty windows!
 Proof that Jades are funny plants:

This leaf, left to its own devices, did this by itself. Goes to show that Jades want to live!

I whacked my Jade recently (maybe a week ago) and it's already bouncing back. I was really nervous to do it, thinking I might kill it. HA! Look at it.

H. mindorensis is a fickle plant for me. It's died back majorly twice with me in one year. Under the grow lights, it's doing fantastic! I see 5-6 leaves coming in.

I don't think they'll get to go outside until mid-May. :( Oh well. Until later!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What do you go home to?

I really love the feeling of the changing seasons. Knowing spring is upon this world - with all of the new, promising foliage and warmer weather - makes me feel good inside. I can smell spring coming. It's great.

With that, I just have a few photos:
H. lacunosa 'Thai Clone' has surprised me by shooting out a new vine. I had honestly thought it would go the way of the other lacunosa.

My aloe's pup has come along really nicely. It's pupping again.

Euphorbia x 'Iomi' is blooming out of its mind. I'm so glad it doesn't hate me lol.

The ho of a plant...Ledebouria socialis.

The other one, doing I don't even know what.
That's all I've got.

I bought another greenhouse to replace the last one (long story), and I'm ready for summer growing!
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