Wednesday, July 25, 2012


1. Keep Anthurium moist or else the plant will not give you ONE leaf until you do. (I started being more vigilant of it and now I'm getting half a dozen.)

2. Tradescantia zebrina 'quadricolor' is NOT as easy to root as the other cultivars. Seriously. I have a 0% success rate. I've never lost a cutting of the others.

3. Hoya lacunosa hates me. I keep it moist, it excises parts. I keep it stops growing. I don't get it! I've gotten one new leaf and lost over a dozen. That's terrible.

4. Don't keep plants outside if bugs find you delicious. -_-* I hate going back there because they always get me. I could be all covered up and they find a way to bite me. WHO BITES A TOE?


Queen Anne the Pothos 'Marble Queen' was suffering in her pot, so I transferred her to water. She is bouncing back like a champ.

I repotted Mimi the Abutilon and my Chlorophytum laxum. Mimi because I had to water her almost everyday and the Chlorophytum because it has grown so much that it looked cramped.

I'm getting some Hoyas next week! And I now have another Euphorbia suzannae!!!!!  It looks good. I'm really excited to give it another try.


Well, that was all over the place. Bye!


Anonymous said...

Do you need to root your zebrinas? They root themselves once you put them in soil. I've never tried rooting them in water.

Lauren said...

Me neither. I tried the soil route and for some reason T. zebrina 'quadricolor' just withers away. I'm confused all the way when it comes to that plant.

Anonymous said... must be super delicate. You could try seeing if it would root in moist vermiculite, aka wonder medium, to see if that would work. But that's a lot of effort for a zebrina.

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