Monday, November 5, 2012

Tomorrow is the day.

Tomorrow is election day - THANK GOD. I am so tired of the ads and the slandering. The calls meant to be invasive and intimidating. STOP. I implore everyone to vote...use that right! I don't care who you vote for, just do it!

Anyway, back to plants.

Er...I have a feeling I will be losing quite a few plants this winter. I don't know why, but I just have the gut feeling. Since Sandy, it's been nasty and grey. Not much light. Some of my plants are definitely suffering. I may need more fixtures.

Excuse the mess. This is my plant work area. Anyway, this is the cute baby Euphorbia leuconeura with another one further along. It got big very quickly. The little one should be not too far away from the big mama.

Since Chaka is no longer with us (I started neglecting her - she was too greedy about water and I couldn't keep up), this is the new Ms. Weedy.

That doesn't look like new leaves to has several of these growing in. I'm hoping it blooms for me.

I don't know if you can see it, but my adorable Columnea 'Early Bird' is trying to bloom for me again. :)

This is the second time I have saved a plant by transplanting it to water. The plant on the left is what's left of Tovah, the T. zebrina 'quadricolor'. On the right is Anne, the Pothos 'Marble Queen'. The water is murky because it's sprinkled with cinnamon.

I hope people speak up tomorrow, and I hope the right person for the job gets chosen.


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