Friday, November 9, 2012

Warp 7.7

I figured out WTF was ending up on my fly strips all summer.


Hilarious because I don't have any carpets or the like on my floors, save for the bath mat. My theory is that they came into my place via my boxes from my mom's (who had an attic FULL of them) and they stayed because I have eleventy gajillion plants. Adult carpet beetles, much like fungus gnats, don't feed on much of anything. In fact, carpet beetles are pollinators! I'm going to have to vacuum the whole place tomorrow since I have the weekend off. They're not harmful to humans, but they can do a number on your clothing and furniture. I should invest in some borax.

I'm starting to slowly un-bag my Hoyas. If they're unbagged, they're in the kitchen and away from the majority of my collection. If they stay clean for a few more weeks they can join the general collection.

It's been pretty darn dreary here. I can feel the lack of light. I think that the CFL bulbs are helping with that. I knew I have always been affected by the seasons and the weather, but maybe more so now that I have plants. Is that weird?


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