Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Playing catchup.


Here's a backorder of my new plants. It's been an interesting month.

A gardener was trying to sell some of his Euphorbia leuconeura, and I naturally pounced! He was very generous and sent me these (plus one E. leuconeura I have at work) for the price of postage. The Echeveria were cuttings and I don't have much luck with them, but the Euphorbias took to my mix pretty well and are putting out new leaves.

Euphorbia leuconeura. Gorgeous leaves and is growing pretty quickly.

Now for my order from Violet Barn. The plants are almost impossibly small but they all arrived expertly packed and healthy. This is Aeschynanthus 'Frost Fire'.

This is supposed to grow to be a good bloomer.

Nematanthus 'albus Santa Theresa'.

I bought this because one day it will bloom all white. The fuzzy leaves are also fun to touch.

Codonanthe 'Vista'.

Upright grower and so far it looks happy to be here.

Columnea 'Early Bird'.

They weren't lying when they described it as 'everblooming'. This is just a baby cutting and it wants to bloom.
 Now for Mr. S' plants, which are in varying states:

He had originally sent me an established plant but it started declining really fast. I suspect that I gave it too much light and that the stems started detaching from the soil in transit. He was kind enough to send me plenty of cuttings and they all seem to have taken. I'll have a straggly Wandering Jew in the blink of an eye.

I thought they wouldn't make it. Silly me. T. zebrina will root in almost anything.

Nematanthus 'Tropicana. It lost some of the calyxes it came with. Hm.

Schlumbergera xbuckleyi, or the "true" xmas cactus. Mr. S did say they were being difficult lately and when they came to me they didn't look too hot. They're doing okay now but they're not without their issues. I say 'they' because I split them into two pots. 

Not related to recent plant orders:

Just showing off Miss Hoya. She has come a long way since she hopped in my shopping cart while I was at HD. She shot out a vine, is in the process of doing it again, and is growing 6-7 new leaves. All shrimp pink. She was such a good intro to Hoyas. She doesn't complain, deals with my weird watering schedules, and likes the fertilizer I give it.

Vine, hidden in all of my crap.

I'm pretty sure this is a new vine.
Okay. Things are changing a ton at work and I think I'm getting severely worn out. I feel like I'm always complaining about work...

Anyway, bye!


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