Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Some indoor winners.

Remember this one? It's a Rhipsalis rhombea. Shot 5/2/12.
This is it today, 10/9/12. WOW. I always marvel at it as it hangs near my bed. It just keeps on growing and growing even though I am a chronic underwaterer when it comes to the hanging plants. Something about not being easily reachable...

Remember him? It's a Senecio radicans, or 'String of Bananas'.

This one grew at a decent rate...then around late July it went bananas and now it encroaches upon Sammy's space on the bathroom windowsill. I'm just waiting for the right side to start coming down so it looks more even.

On a not-so-nice note, I found a mealie on one of my Hoya cuttings. It came from outside so maybe I missed it during the sprays. Also, H. limoniaca broke in half. So I will start another cutting of it. Work is never done.

I am concerned with how wet the plants from outside still are. I'm using my fan to blow air on them...lets hope that averts some disaster. PLEASE NO MEALIES THIS WINTER. PLEASE.


Anonymous said...

Wow, look at that growth. It's like they have goals or something!

Your photos illustrate why I'm always telling people to take lots of photos - so you can easily see how far your plants have come.

Keep up the good work!

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