Monday, October 1, 2012

Relax my beloved.

Here's the aquarium Hoyas, currently rooting. Same color system goes for this batch.

Green = rooting/rooted
Red = doing horribly/dead
Black = in rooting limbo (what what what are you doing?)

Hoya CV pinkie
Hoya fungii
Hoya latifolia
Hoya macgillivrayi
Hoya EG00807

I'm pretty sure one of these in Hoya limbo are rooting, but I don't remember. I was busy trellising them with a new material. I bought garden wire at Lowe's that's coated but pliable. Much better than the bamboo skewers, which rot/attract fungus and are cheaper than buying individually made trellises. I will take a picture of them next time they come out.

Here's the rest of the rooting bunch (outside):

From Joni (mystery bundle): 

H. elliptica EPC-641 (it has suffered a setback, probably due to the sudden drop in night time temps. I lost two leaves and its roots started dying back. It's currently in the rooting aquarium with new rooting hormone on the stem. Let's hope it survives.)
H. leytensis IML-1287
H. cv 'Mathilde' IML/SRQ-3075 (This one seems to hate me. The stem died back and now I'm hoping its aerial roots form another root ball. We'll see.)
H. lacunosa 'Thai Clone' IML/SRQ-3047
H. pubicalyx 'Red Buttons'IML-0268
H. limoniaca IML-0092
H. myrmecopa IML-1375

From Ebay:

H. lobbii (red flowers)
H. fischeriana (bonus) (I just recently repotted AGAIN. it has a root system but I think it suffered much the same that elliptica did. Some of the roots rotted because the soil became cold and did not dry, even though I haven't watered it in a week or so. I made the mix really chunky so hopefully it won't die back.)
H. macgillivrayi IML-015 (bonus) (This one surprised me. It has no roots and it has been here over a month! It looks great for having no roots. Re-powdered, re-potted and put back outside.)
H. fungi typical form
H. fungi broad form (*sigh* This one is the same as macgillivrayi. I put it in the rooting aquarium and it is growing aerial roots above soil...just not below the soil. -_-)
H. multiflora IML-153 (2)
H. mindorensis IML-1776
H. villosa IML-1663 (?)

I am trellising H. villosa today because the poor thing is just bending over. The stake is too short! 

I'm finding that rooting them isn't necessarily the most difficult part. It's the part after that's dangerous! The aquarium Hoyas are going to stay in the until they have roots I can see through the cups. The ones outside will be bathed and sprayed before coming inside. They'll stay wrapped so they don't freak out by the relatively low levels of light inside.


Coral is so ready to bloom. She hasn't bloomed for me since I got her in March. Excitement! I am so happy she pulled through after the re-pot. Go baby, go! 


I'm feeling sick today so I took the say off. I've been sleeping and should be cleaning. Rest comes first...I have to learn to do that more. I tell my clients to do that all the time and I can't follow my own advice. Heh. 

That's it for now. The plants should be coming in Saturday, as the low for that day is 46*F. Bye! 


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