Monday, April 16, 2012

The bane of my existence.

Dear mealybugs,

No, you cannot suck on my Nematanthus wettsteinii. I see you, and I killed you with rubbing alcohol. If you or your fuzzy friends wish to come back...I have neem and I have access to systemics. I will be watching.

For now,

So disappointing, since it's been growing very well (was bought in a two inch pot and is now happy in a 5 inch pot) and is finally throwing out new buds. It's currently on the kitchen floor. It can't be near my Pothos or Sedum anymore. Shame. Queen Anne and Amelia will miss you.

On a brighter note, my friend Kevin and I are owners of a small beginners greenhouse and will be putting it outside once we get a lock on the gate. I bought a few cute plants that will be mostly outdoor plants. In Philly, we tend to get pretty hot summers so they should be fine all season.

That's it for now. I'm a dead woman walking - I refuse to put the air conditioner in and move my plants from that sill. Today is supposed to be nearing 90 and I didn't have a great night's sleep. I had dreams of mealybugs!


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