Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First post (of hopefully many).

I'm not a master gardener. My grandmother could keep anything alive, but that passion never got me...until now. I have always loved plants - always tried not to step on them, would clear off dead leaves if it bothered me that much - but never had them in my house.

That is, until I just fell in love with a Kalanchoe and a Ficus. Almost six months later, they're growing vigorously and shooting out new growth like crazy. I said to myself, "Hm. If I can keep these alive, I should have a few more."

A few more became almost two dozen. Ha!

So this blog isn't going to have very many "tips from an expert". This blog is half for me, half for beginner indoor gardeners. I want to document the growth of my plants as well as write about the little differences between them. I live in an urban area with very little green so I guess it was no surprise that having a little green in a sea of concrete made me feel so serene.

There you have it. It's a beginning of a hopefully long, happy story. I swear to myself I'm turning into my grandmother...not such a bad thing.


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