Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

My plant count 9/27/11: 2
My plant count as of today: 24, not counting attempted propagations.

Er, it was 20 yesterday. I'm still looking for plants to furnish my bathroom.

Plants mean something to me. They need my care, don't whine, and reward my anal retentiveness (I obsessively look for bugs/dying leaves). I can easily use an hour checking all of my plants. You see, I have a wonderful boyfriend but we don't live together. It gives me joy when I open the door and see them alive and well. It passes my time. It helps me de-stress from stressful daily work. They give me good air to breathe and they're happy things.

Let's back it up a little bit. I think I should share some things to put things in perspective.

I'm of mixed descent - Asian, African-American, and Native American. My grandmother always loved plants and would have happy, glorious plants out back year after year. The Native American part of me just yearns to be with the earth. That's crazy considering I live in a concrete jungle.
- I'm also Proudly Pagan. As a PP, I'm conscious of all living things. I work where I see the public all the time and work towards getting people back to where they were. I make sure not to harm any living thing if I can help it...hell, I've come to peaceful terms with both bees and spiders. Don't come near my body and do your thing? We're cool. I won't try to kill you.

So, I guess it was only a matter of time before I got my grandmother's green thumb. I got it, alright...BADLY.

I went to the Flower Show both Sunday and today (purely circumstantial...I lucked out on today) and each time I was drawn to certain plants. I bought them small and large, potted for the sill and hanging. I hope to keep these alive as long as possible. They give me a joy that I can't explain. I bet, however, that my wallet isn't liking it. Ha!

Half the fun is finding out more about the plant. I'm also in the process of naming them. I got that wonderful idea from a blog called Good to Grow and I thought it was fitting. Why not give them a name if they're gonna stick around?

That's all the textual vomit I have for you right now. :-)


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