Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Odds and ends

I saved this pretty Alworthia 'Black Gem' at Lowes about a week ago. He was dry as all get out, but had many pups. How could I not support a single, struggling dad?

FYI: I have average sized female hands. I just love Anthuriums - even if the 'flowers' die on me, I know I will have a gorgeous foliage plant.

I think I may be in love with Euphorbia Milii. Saw this at Urban Jungle yesterday and my heart soared. I haven't seen any Crown of Thorns since the flower show. It also came in my favorite color. :)

Mini-rant about Lowes and Home Depot:
Unfortunately, I do not drive so I am limited to HD, Lowes, City Planter, Urban Jungle and maybe Greensgrow Farms (which is not open when I'm available). CP and UJ are a little pricier but I love supporting independents who care for their plants. When I am in need of random hardware or new sets of keys, I happen to step feet in your establishments. Predictably, your plants catch my eye. When it's a new shipment, they look very happy to be there.

In a week, they're all almost dead. What gives? You hire people to take care of the plants - or at least water them every blue moon. Last time I checked, it's usually hard to kill a succulent. They don't mind going without for a while. What I see when I look at them tells a different story - lack of light, poor watering, possible lightning damage. I just don't understand. I know they're loss leaders - I have worked retail before - but wow! These are living things, and didn't ask to be here.

Tsk. I try to salvage what I can. HD decidedly does a better job with keeping plants alive but tends to over water. Luckily, I'm a plant hoarder (this is the first time I have admitted this. Everyone else pretty much knows once they walk into my apartment) and I have a bleeding heart.

Love, Lauren


I have 41 plants. I have lost one Aeonium but the others seem to really like being here. I just finished watering and I have some happy plants. My Manettia Inflata had some sort of bug on it (tiny, silver, crawly. No wings.) So I sprayed the crap out of it with neem oil mixed with water. I knew buying the neem would come in handy. No other plants have bugs that I can see.

Later today I will take some pictures of the plants who apparently are working to achieve some sort of gardening gold star. I have the day off (had to take a mental health day or my head was going to explode from stress) and so I can finally do these things.

Stay blessed, everyone.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren. It looks like your plants are well-cared-for and happy! I can't stand the way Home Depot and Lowe's run their garden sections either. If the plants don't die, they're infected with bugs. And their soil is always infected with fungus gnats because they leave the bags out in the rain. Grrr. Maybe if we keep talking about it...

Lauren said...

I remember reading your comments concerning bags of soil being left outside with tears. I noticed that the office plants had fungus gnats swarming. Same with some of my houseplants. I quickly switched to a local, peat-free potting mix and no random fungus gnats! It's a little pricier but it's worth it. Thanks!

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