Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Shortly after I got the plant. Almost 3 weeks ago. Her name is Jazzy.
Today. It started shooting off like crazy, almost literally overnight. The right side is busy blooming. The left is doing goddess knows what!

The blooms smell fantastic.

All light green is new within a week.

Meet Catalina. She was a rescue from my boyfriend's job. His coworker had already given her her name, but was overwatering it. She gave the plant to me willingly, and so I went to town on it. I cut off all of her dead leaves and staked her since she was severally lopsided. She still wants to show off her pretty spathes, even though she's been through a lot. I'm not going to tell her she still looks a little sparse.

Catalina has to be fairly old. I'm guessing a few years. I've never seen an anthurium pushing out spathes like this, but I'm no Anthurium expert. I just buy them and try to keep them alive.

My Thanksgiving Cactus, Sally, wanted to say thank you for me rescuing her from impending underwatering! She was also a rescue from another of my boyfriend's coworkers.

This is Sammy, the mystery Chlorophytum. I posted him up for ID on Gardenweb, and there has been no positive ID on him yet. It doesn't matter much to me, as he has come a LONG way in just a few weeks. I cut off all his dead leaves, gave him all new soil and tried to give him as much light as I could provide. This is a north facing window, but he doesn't mind. He's truly a trooper.

My haul from yesterday. I don't think I'll be naming them just yet, but they're just so adorable.

And the winner of the imaginary houseplant gold star is...Fuchsia 'Lena'! I bought her in a small ~2" pot. She had blooms but I moved her too much and she had a hissy. However, after leaving her alone and giving her a little less water, she is trying to outgrow her pot! I don't know if she will ever put out buds again, but I think she's still very pretty.

There we have it. Every plant is basically doing well, but these are trying to show off. Hence, they get shown off.


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