Monday, May 21, 2012

Damn you, mother nature!

My brain is frying. It's audit time here at work and I swear my IQ plummeted from 140 to 100.

I've been so scatterbrained that I left Coral outside during several rains...and her soil was already wet. I was so annoyed this morning because I knew it would rain Monday...not SUNDAY INTO MONDAY. Damn you! I was going to move her into the greenhouse this morning but I was too late. I might do an emergency dryout for her tonight.

My poor boyfriend. He's really been the victim of my brain this week. I've been working 6 days a week and dog tired the whole time. Poor guy had pink eye all week and we finally got to see each other over the weekend. I should do something nice for him tonight...maybe make him dinner.

Anyway, my plants are chugging along. I got plants from Mr. S and for the most part, I'm satisfied. The Schlumbergera looked pale and weak (which he told me about prior to shipping) and on a whim, I divided and repotted. They're on a stool near a west window and they get plenty of light. The Tradescantia zebrina didn't make it home. I think I shocked the crap out of it putting it in the enclosed entryway, which is pretty bright all day. I had to chuck it.

The Nematanthus 'Tropicana' is looking great. It's in a sunny spot and I hope it doesn't go the way Coral did. No mealies, please!

Most of my plants are doing fine. I have some that are throwing hissies for whatever reason. Trent is still kind of floppy and still gets yellow leaves, though not everyday. I just watered him after ~1-2 weeks of not doing so and I'm terrified he'll pull the leaf drop thing with me again. He was doing so well before I re-potted!

I'm keeping the windows open to stave off having to move my plants off the sill so I can put my AC in. I don't know where I will put them - especially Russell the Ficus, which has been enjoying pretty high light all year. He hasn't shed one leaf on me and I wasn't planning on that happening anytime soon.

Enough rambling.


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