Monday, May 14, 2012

Lessons learned.

1. Pinching works. Wow, does it work. I pinched my Fuchsia and my Crassula tetragona cutting and both sprouted from two points in less than a few days. It's not like I never believed that pinching was effective, I just looked at the new growth like something to cherish, not pinch off. I am a believer now. I'll be pinching my branching plants from now on.

I just pinched Chaka, the H. phyllostachya (who, by the way, has gotten HUGE in just three months). I'm sure that will be a success too. Miss Weedy made it a success in about 24 hours. Oh my god.

2. Miss Hoya needed a little time (and neglect) in order to show new growth. Miss Hoya is really four separate plants, and for a while only one was really doing anything. I snipped her all white leaves off and left her alone. She got water maybe every week and a half. Now she's got growth on each plant. I'm so happy!

3. Trent the Euphorbia milii has been having a hissy since being repotted. I did some reading and apparently they're pretty pissy in general about being transplanted. (One plant a user uploaded showed almost ALL the leaves yellowing and falling off. It made Trent look like an absolute angel.) I calmed down a bit and took the one bit of advice given - give it some moving air. I cracked open the windows and allowed my fan to blow by i. It's lost maybe one leaf since I did this a few days ago...that's much better than the 4-5 a day he was dropping.

4. Jazzy only seems to be fussy when she's got flower buds. She's resting now and very tolerant. Phew.


Put Coral and H. fitchii outside in the back. It shouldn't be too cold for them. I know that to get Coral to re-bloom, she will need lots of light. She won't be getting that in my northwest facing bathroom. I think my M. inflatta and E. suzannae died due to lack of light and too much water together. I don't want to kill these, which are quickly becoming favorites.

I also ordered from Gardino nursery. Ordered Saturday (when they were closed) and they're sending them out today! I should have them Wednesday. :) Also awaiting Mr. S' plants. Should be here Thursday if he ships them out tomorrow. Excitement!



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