Saturday, May 12, 2012

Walkaways/shame on you.

Hey ya'll, hey. I just got back from work/looking at plants, so my week can now begin. I walked away with one new plant, but here are some that I decided to leave behind:

Philodendron 'Silver'? I love the pattern on the leaves, but I have too many hanging plants right now and I would probably need more light than I have to keep it this way. Lowe's, $10.

Hoya polyneura! I came in expecting to see the usual EA Hoyas, but I've never seen this one before. I was very excited because people are selling cuttings of this particular Hoya for the cost of this entire basket - $15. Joni @ SRQ Hoyas did list it as not for beginners, though. I took the hint - I'm not going to be able to care for it properly...yet.

Hoya nummularioides. I was very excited about this one too for the same reasons. Alas, the weight of the baskets would snap my curtain rod. $15.

Aeschynanthus radicans. I really like gesneriads, but I know they're mealybug magnets (though I still love Coral something fierce) This huge plant would probably have to be half destroyed by mealies before I notice. I will pass for now. (WHY U NO HAVE SMALL POT?) $15.

Not so much tempted by this, but when I saw it I thought, 'Sammy? Is that you?' I rescued Sammy in February because my boyfriend's job is changing buildings. He looks just like this now that he's with me! Chlorophytum comosum 'Hawaiian'. $15.

Even though Trent is being a little haughty right now, I still love Euphorbia milii. It's that time of year where clueless people randomly pick out plants for their mothers, not caring about care instructions. Big Box stores stick them in "decorative" pots and uptick the price. I wasn't really trying to pay $10 for this, even though the hybrid is just gorgeous. It has green splashes in the red/pink bracts. Very nice. My reasoning was that I could always get the hybrids some other time, for less.

Bad pic (all of these were taken with my camera phone), but this is an example of the bract.

I've started to gather some plant-shopping pet peeves. This is clearly a Chlorophtum, but:

As you can (or maybe cannot) see, this is not what the tag says. I just took the tag out and laid it on the shelf.

Agave something or other. It says it on the tag and it kept poking me.

Shame on you, Lowe's. SHAME. I don't even know what this plant is, but what is this? 

So, I never explained why and how my boyfriend complained.

My boyfriend saw the aforementioned bonsai plants on the shelf for $40. Dying or already dead, Paul snapped a few pics and put it on their facebook. He said, "shame on you for trying to sell these plants full price!" They immediately responded and asked him to email them. He did, explained that I'm that crazy plant lady, and that that's a bad sales move. They did the standard we-will-bump-this-up-to-the-proper-authorities. However, Paul was at Lowe's by himself and noticed that most of the plants that he saw last time had fresh soil. I gave him a pat on the back. What a plant activist.

I just noticed lots more of employees working the garden area. They actually watered the plants while I was there and that's a big deal. I'm there often enough for odds and ends that I've never felt a properly watered plant in the place. Hey, my boyfriend's mouth got something done. Good for him!

I would expect nothing less from an Aquarius with a Libra stellium.

I'm starting to become pickier with the plants I buy. I came home today with a Haworthia turgida because I have been eyeing it online and it's selling for $7+ not including shipping. I bought it for $3. Anyway, things I would have thought were cute before just don't catch my eye. I still like the more common plants, but I'm not tempted.

Okay. I have figured out who will be first under my plant spotlight. I have two plants from September, and though that's not a SUPER long time to have them,they're the ones I'm most attached to. Russell the Ficus benjamina is up first. I don't know why exactly this will be done, but hopefully in the next week or so.

Thanks for reading!


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