Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Friday!

Today was so very long. Coming back to my plants was nice.

Senecio radicans, or 'String of Bananas'. Poor thing was bought at an unfortunate time - I do not have much space near windows. I know how to treat Julia, the other Senecio...she gets lots of afternoon sun. Unfortunately, he's going to have to wait like the other plants. 30 days and then he can hang. He was left out in the hallway under fluorescent lights, and was just recently brought in. 

He didn't mind. I potted him up maybe a week or two and I'm always glad to see that they're taking to the new pot/soil well. He's even showing me a bloom. Doesn't smell like anything to me.

Carol the Aglaonema had these already upon purchase, but have shot up in the last few weeks. She does look a little sparse, so I'm hoping these give her a more full look.

I'm going to start spotlighting some of my plants. I'm just trying to figure out how to do it - do I do my oldest first? The ones I have a soft spot for? The rescued plants? That's still all up in the air.

For now, my plants say Hasta luego!


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